2024 LRWSC Site Closures (for regularly scheduled days):
All LRWSC sites are closed Sunday
Prentiss closed - February 19, March 29, April 1, May 20, July 1, August 5, September 2, October 14, November 11, December 24 @ 3pm, 25, 26, & 27, 31 @ 3pm & January 1, 2025
Alix/Mirror closed - March 29, December 26 & 27
Bentley closed - March 29, December 26 & 27
Eckville closed - December 24 @ 3pm, 25, 31 @ 3pm
Spruceville closed - December 24 @ 3pm, 25, 31 @ 3pm
NOTICE TO RESIDENTS- Proof of Residency
All LRWSC Transfer Sites require residents who are accessing the facilities, to present a "proof of residency" to our attendants by showing a utility bill, Lacombe County property tax notice, or a driver's license with a physical/mailing address. The following mailing addresses are NOT acceptable as proof of residency:
Blackfalds PO Box # (require physical address)
Eckville PO Box # (require physical address)
Alix PO Box # (require physical address)
RR#3 Lacombe (require physical address)
RR#1, 3, & 4 Eckville (require physical address)
Photographs of utility bills/tax notices on a smart phone will be accepted, provided that the attendant can read the information while maintaining social distancing (photos of Blue Sign addresses are not accepted)
Verification of residency will be visually confirmed by the attendants and no personal information will be recorded. This information is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Residential loads that cannot show proof of residency within the County of Lacombe will be turned away. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our legitimate rate paying residents, however, we are trying to eliminate any out of county residents (non contributing member) from utilizing our sites.
Check in with Site Attendant at all times before unloading material!
Burn Pits:
Burn Pits at all LRWSC sites may be forced to close during County Imposed Fire Bans. No paper or carboard products, as these items can float away while burning and cause grass fires.
Burn Barrels:
No "hot" material permitted. Cold material may be dumped in the designated area of each site. No dumping into Compactor Hopper!
Demolition Waste Material:
We can not accept demolition material at our Landfill without an Asbestos Free Certificate.
Please contact us for further information: 403-782-5300 or 403-782-8970