Welcome to the LRWSC Website

Lacombe Regional Waste Services Commission owns and operates five solid waste management facilities within the Lacombe County boundaries.  We have transfer sites at or near Eckville, Bentley, Alix/Mirror, Spruceville, and a transfer site and class 3 landfill at our Prentiss location (see map below).

We currently transport nearly 10,000 MT of MSW to the class 2 landfill at West Dried Meat Lake.  We are licensed to landfill 10,000 MT of dry rubble annually at our Prentiss site, but through co-operative diversionary tactics, we strive to reduce landfill volumes each year.

Please click on the above categories to find specific details and information.  Under transfer sites, you will find all information about each site.


General Safety Rules



A minimum of 45 feet must be maintained between all personnel, trucks, and heavy equipment.

All drivers exiting the vehicle must remain within 10 feet of the vehicle at all times.

Children and pets must remain in the vehicle at all times.

Horseplay, scavenging, or picking through loads is strictly prohibited.

All loads are subject to random inspection by attendants, or landfill personnel.

Appropriate footwear must be worn. 

Site entry and utilization of the facilities is at the public's own risk to their vehicle and person(s). 

LRWSC Closures and Notifications


2024 LRWSC Site Closures (for regularly scheduled days):

All LRWSC sites are closed Sunday

Prentiss closed - February 19, March 29, April 1, May 20, July 1, August 5, September 2, October 14, November 11, December 24 @ 3pm, 25, 26, & 27, 31 @ 3pm & January 1, 2025

Alix/Mirror closed - March 29, December 26 & 27

Bentley closed - March 29, December 26 & 27

Eckville closed - December 24 @ 3pm, 25, 31 @ 3pm

Spruceville closed - December 24 @ 3pm, 25, 31 @ 3pm


NOTICE TO RESIDENTS- Proof of Residency

  All LRWSC Transfer Sites require residents who are accessing the facilities, to present a "proof of residency" to our attendants by showing a utility bill, Lacombe County property tax notice, or a driver's license with a physical/mailing address. The following mailing addresses are NOT acceptable as proof of residency:

Blackfalds PO Box # (require physical address)

Eckville PO Box # (require physical address)

Alix PO Box # (require physical address)

RR#3 Lacombe (require physical address)

RR#1, 3, & 4 Eckville (require physical address)

Photographs of utility bills/tax notices on a smart phone will be accepted, provided that the attendant can read the information while maintaining social distancing (photos of Blue Sign addresses are not accepted)

  Verification of residency will be visually confirmed by the attendants and no personal information will be recorded.  This information is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Residential loads that cannot show proof of residency within the County of Lacombe will be turned away.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our legitimate rate paying residents, however, we are trying to eliminate any out of county residents (non contributing member) from utilizing our sites.




Check in with Site Attendant at all times before unloading material!


Burn Pits:

Burn Pits at all LRWSC sites may be forced to close during County Imposed Fire Bans.  No paper or carboard products, as these items can float away while burning and cause grass fires. 

Burn Barrels:

No "hot" material permitted.  Cold material may be dumped in the designated area of each site.  No dumping into Compactor Hopper!

Demolition Waste Material:

We can not accept demolition material at our Landfill without an Asbestos Free Certificate.


Please contact us for further information: 403-782-5300 or 403-782-8970 








Contact Us


RR 4, Site 3, Box 18

Lacombe AB T4L 2N4

Phone: (403) 782-5300

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Administration (403) 782-8970



LRWSC Commission Manager

Jay Hohn

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LRWSC Team Leader/Safety Supervisor

Larry Friars

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Board Members


Chair: Grant Creasey, Lacombe City Mayor

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Don Gullekson, City of Lacombe Councillor

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Dana Kreil, Lacombe County Councillor

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Ken Weenink, Lacombe County Councillor

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Barb Gilliat, Village of Alix Councillor

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Dale Grimsdale, Town of Bentley Councillor

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Dwayne Meyers, Town of Eckville Councillor

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Sarah Fahey, Village of Clive Councillor

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Brief Background

LRSWA was established August 15, 1984 with implementation in 1987. Capital cost to implement was 1.6 Million. Responsible for management of solid waste for seven members, Lacombe County, City of Lacombe, Town of Bentley, Town of Blackfalds, Town of Eckville, Village of Alix and Village of Clive. Originally there were 6 transfer sites, Eckville, Bentley, Spruceville, Alix/ Mirror, Blackfalds and Prentiss. Blackfalds opted out of membership in 2010, closing the Blackfalds transfer site. Lacombe County managed and administrated LRSWA until December 2013. LRSWA applied for Commission Status and became Lacombe Regional Waste Services Commission (LRWSC) in January 2014.

Historical Highlights:

1999- 20 year agreement with West Dried Meat Lake Landfill

2003- 50 year Post Closure Reserve implemented

2005- In-house hauling to West Dried Meat Landfill

        - New buildings in Alix & Eckville

2007- Year-round Household Hazardous Waste facility and eWaste facility at the Prentiss Site

2009- Future Initiatives Reserve implemented

2010- Alberta Recylcing Excellence Recognition

2013- Order in Council establishing the Commission

        - Strategic Plan Workshop

2014- Recycling agreement signed with the Town of Bentley

         - New building at Spruceville

         - eWaste collection at Eckville and Alix/Mirror

2019- Strategic Plan Workshop

2020- 5 year agreement with West Dried Meat Lake Landfill


What is LRWSC?

The Lacombe Regional Waste Services Commission is made up of members from municipalities within the boundaries of Lacombe County. The members of the Commission are; City of Lacombe, Lacombe County, Town of Eckville, Town of Bentley, Village of Clive and Village of Alix.

The Commission is governed by a Board of Directors and a Manager who is the Administrative Head of the Commission.

The two larger municipalities, City of Lacombe and Lacombe County, each have two representatives on the Board, while the smaller four municipalities each have one representative on the Board for a total of eight Board Members.